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"When you change your perception, what you perceive alters itself in the physical realm"

- Roma Simkute

Have you heard about people transforming their lives in seemingly miraculous ways?  The gap between who you want to become and who you think you are is the source of the suffering. The magic is not so much in becoming the person you want to be yet being it because you already are. Underneath all the emotional traumas, limiting labels, and old core beliefs, you are a powerful, whole, complete, beautiful being. Are you ready to meet yourself?


We are not here to give you medical advice, yet with every participant in this transformational experiential learning process, we collected results of healing, ease, and profound leveling up in the participant's experiences of their lives.

We are not here to give you medical advice, yet with every participant in this transformational experiential learning process, we collected results of healing, ease, and profound leveling up in the participant's experiences of their lives.

Transformational Experiences Available

Consciously or unconsciously, we create our experiences from our subconscious 95% of the time, and all core beliefs, rules about the world, and labels about ourselves enormously influence our results in every area of our lives. We ensure that your subconscious works for you and your vision and not against it, which is one of the most vital tools to change your life.


Subconscious Programming

Fear Dissolution - Anxiety Release

We all have blind spots in our awareness that limit us from seeing our true potential. Either it's fear of finances, speaking up or being alone, anxiety about your future, or feeling helpless. Those emotional and mental stories can be released through self-inquiry, shadow work, and removing your old core beliefs. You are a master alchemist; get to know yourself and reframe your story!


No matter what we think, how we feel is directly connected to how we experience our life. All of us carry emotional traumas from our childhood that are hiding in our subconscious, fragmenting our emotional body and burdening our physical with ailments and illnesses! Once the emotional baggage is released, our physical bodies heal as well.  We start to experience the ease, expansion, and deep value in our daily experiences. Everything becomes lighter and more accessible.


Emotional Body Healing

Wherever you are, we detox your body to the next level. We get to understand the alkaline vs acidic body, practice-focused and intentional movement, grounding, consume minerals, continue emotional release and watch your body shape shift like never before. Are you ready to maximize your potential?

Every participant of Quantum Living Beyond Limits witnessed their bodies changing like never before!


Physical body healing

Every relationship is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. As we get to know intimately all our blind spots and shadows, as we rise in love with ourselves, it ripples into every relationship in our life.  Finally, you feel seen and heard! By your partner, family member, or co-worker, you stop building up that resentment that ends all the relationships and fully speak your truth.


Deep Intimacy

Client Success Stories

The impact Roma has made on people can be measured through the breakthroughs and success they have achieved in their own life. We have here a message from one of our participants and his perspective on the tools available for you.

"I am absolutely delighted to provide a heartfelt testimonial for Roma, my remarkable mindset shift and subconscious programming coach. Roma is an exceptional individual, and her intelligence shines brightly in every interaction we've had."

- Jarett Meyer

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How can you begin your transformational journey?

There are many paths you can take depending on your availability and willingness to commit.

Ranging from One on One Coaching, Masterclasses, to a Library full of videos and PDF's of transformative tools.

Schedule a call with Roma, create clarity on what is next in your life!

There are many paths you can take depending on your availability and willingness to commit.

Ranging from One on One Coaching, Masterclasses, to a Library full of videos and PDF's of transformative tools.

Schedule a call with Roma, create clarity on what is next in your life!

How can you begin your transformational journey?

Free to download

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