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Oxford dictionary defines it like this:

a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.

"a major breakthrough in DNA research"

Now a breakthrough in your life as an individual is a sudden discovery of information that changes your life. For better or for worse, it is relative to perspective. Information is communicated through language, a statement of sort. A conversation is created, expressed, received, and either accepted or denied as truth. Awareness of the conversation you created of an experience in life is the ultimate goal. Once you are in this state, you have the freedom to create a conversation that best supports the life you desire. Now the challenge is in getting to that point of awareness, which could be caused by infinite possibilities.

Here in Quantum Living Lifestyle, we create the space for breakthroughs. Weather it is by asking powerful questions, creating goals that challenge your belief system, or giving that outsider perspective of your life that you cannot see from the inside. Any interaction you will have with us will be a life changing interaction, with long term benefits in your life!

What is a breakthrough?

Challenge Yourself to a

Good Habit

Below we have divided life into four sections: Body, Being, Balance, and Business.
They represent key pillars on what is most important in life, and it is 100% your responsibility to take ownership of. There is no app, automation, software, or outside service that will nurture these areas of your life. It is your own pure raw willpower. 

Body: represents your overall health, strength, agility, and mobility.  How authentic and magnetic you feel in your own skin.
Being: represents your relationship with yourself. How you spend time with yourself, do you do the things you love. Are you excited about your life?
Balance: represents your relationship with others. Who you spend your time with, are they your ideal relationships, are they supportive. Do you feel seen or heard?
Business: represents resources, for your desired lifestyle. Are you excited and passionate in how you invest your time at work?  Do you enjoy it?

Once you invest time in making the adjustments in each area, you will begin to feel fulfilled. These changes require no money, no purchase of any item, it is all internal. It can begin with small little changes, for example: working out for 5 minutes, exploring new careers, meeting new people, being in nature, visiting friends...

Now YOUR challenge if YOU choose to accept it lies below on the pictures representing the 4 pillars. Click the picture for YouTube playlists that create breakthroughs.

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Perspective of the Month

Remember, your life experiences depend on your level of consciousness.


Have you been experiencing life pleasantly (the way you want to), or do circumstances keep getting in the way?


Because life/universe/God/source will keep presenting you with people and situations to show you where you are still not free!


Where the core limiting beliefs still control you. 


Our only experience of the world is through our consciousness and we cannot interact with things in any other way; hence, everything happening in the world reflects how evolved our consciousness is.

Life Experiences


Each month we have a 90-minute virtual Masterclass that focuses on an important pillar of transformation. Take action in class, discover a new version of yourself and the possibilities that await!

Coaching Possibilities

We're connecting spirituality, science, and all the ancient healing traditions, experiencing profound results in every area of our lives.

From a monthly membership to an exclusive 1-1 mentoring program, Quantum Living Lifestyle offers you tailored guidance to support you on your journey of embodiment. Don't miss out on taking your journey to the next level; secure your spot today!


PDFs, Masterclass Recordings, courses, and more are available to start practicing independently.

You can also mix it up and have one call with Roma, join one masterclass, and utilize one of the PDFs from the library to guide yourself further into your Self-realization journey.

Services We Provide

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