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When you participate in a Quantum Living Lifestyle event you become subject to the QLL Effect. You’ll know it’s happening when you are looking at a world you know is the same but somehow, for you, it’s been drastically altered to support a lifestyle of living on purpose with a passion you didn’t have before. 

Transcendental Events

Each month we have a 90-minute virtual Masterclass that focuses on an important pillar of transformation. Take action in class, discover a new version of yourself and the possibilities that await!

Our next live event will be announced soon. We are excited to let you know that all our event recordings are available on Patreon. Try out the 7 day free trial!

The Quantum Leap

Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness

As the collective consciousness rises, we are all being called to face our deepest fears, both personally and collectively. This is a time of transformation and awakening, where we are invited to step into our fullest potential by embracing the fears that hold us back.

Welcome to The Quantum Leap: Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness. This powerful event is designed to guide you through the process of shadow work, allowing you to fully embrace and transcend the heavy energies that have been weighing you down.

The class will be recorded, and the recording will be sent out within 48 hours after the class.

Together, we will journey into the shadow world, where we will meet our egos and confront the patterns and cycles that keep us from reaching our highest potential. We will explore the ways in which we may be unconsciously attracting what we don’t want and learn how to align with our highest timeline Now. 

Are you ready to face your fears and take the next step toward personal and spiritual growth? Join us for an immersive experience where you will gain the tools and insights needed to break free from old cycles and quantum leap into a life of abundance, creativity, and empowerment.

This is your opportunity to align with your authentic self, set yourself up for success, and fully embrace the journey of transformation.

Can’t wait to see you all as we step into this new era of consciousness together.


When: Tuesday 8/13/2024

World Time Zones:

7:00 am PDT (Pacific)

9:00 am CDT (Central)

10:00 am EDT (Eastern)

5:00 pm EEST (Eastern European)
Duration:  90 minutes
Investment: $23.32
Where: A Zoom link is provided upon registration, and a recording will be sent out within 24 hours of the event! 

Major credit and debit cards accepted through PayPal

Tuition: $32.23

Tuesday, December 12th @12 PM CST

Thanks for submitting!

Žodžiai Kuria Jūsų Realybę

Jūsų vidinis pokalbis yra neatsiejama jūsų būties perkūrimo dalis. Kalba yra esminis veiksnys, padedantis įveikti senus mąstymo modelius. Žodžiai, kurie tarnauja jums, neturėtų kilti iš gėdos, kaltės ar noro pritapti, pavyzdžiui:

- Privalau
- Man reikia
- Turėčiau
- Turiu
- Bandyti 
- Ir taip toliau

Žodžiai turi energinį krūvį, kuris sklinda į mūsų kasdienį gyvenimą! Kaip pasiruošti sėkmei, kad galėtumėte įgyvendinti svajonių realybę? Žodžių pagalba! 

Žodžiai yra tarsi simboliai, turintys daugybę reikšmių. Ištarti žodžiai virsta garsu, dažniu ir vibracija, kurie yra materijos pagrindai. Žodžiai turi galią paveikti energiją ir virsta fizine realybe.

Prisijunkite prie mūsų meistriškumo pamokos rugpjūčio 29 d., 17:00 val. Vilniaus laiku. 90 minučių trukmės sesija vyks per „Zoom“. Atverkite kalbos galimybes, kurios atveria begalines gyvenimo galimybes ir maksimaliai išnaudokite savo potencialą!


Meistriškumo Pamoka 

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